RA Trustvox

Net Promoter Score

Make customer-centric decisions with the NPS of RA Trustvox

Implement the best customer success methodology in your company, the Net Promoter Score, and measure your customers' loyalty in a simple and automated way.

Get the full picture of your NPS results with your sales information and customer reviews.
Extract your NPS diagnostics in the most common file format (.csv) for all areas of your company.
How does the NPS of RA Trustvox work?

RA Trustvox collects NPS at the same moment of getting reviews. It consists of asking your customer: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our business to a friend or colleague?” Making it easy to identify detractors and promoters of your brand.

How is the NPS calculated?

The standard formula for calculating NPS is: % promoting customers (grades 9 and 10) – % detractors (grades from 0 to 6) = Result of your Net Promoter Score

How to analyze NPS results in the Trustvox dashboard?

Analyze your NPS score and the number of ratings per score, filter all the information by the date range you want, and access the list of all consumers who have rated. Have at hand a comparative that brings information weekly according to the grades assigned to your company.

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