RA Trustvox

Google Seller Ratings

Build consumer confidence by showing your ratings on Google!

As an official Google partner, RA Trustvox helps you star your reviews to increase CTR and decrease overall ad spend.

Improved performance in your campaigns

According to Google, ads with seller ratings increase click-through rate by 17% and have a lower cost per click.

Build credibility and trust around your brand

Seller ratings let shoppers know you’re a trusted business with a good reputation by displaying your store’s star rating next to your ads.

Stand out in Google search

Seller ratings take reviews into account, and your ads will stand out in search and compared to your competitors.

What are seller ratings in Google?

Your store's Google rating is a Google AdWords extension that shows an average rating of your business along with your star ads. Your rating is based on customer estimation data. Having a strong rating lets buyers know that you are a trustworthy company and improves the performance of your public campaigns.

The purpose of your company ratings is to highlight your ads in comparison to those of your competitors, thus improving your click-through rate more than any other ad extension.

However, to see your ratings you first need to collect feedback. The rules are based on the data collected from customer reviews. Its ratings are based on the data collected from customer reviews.

What are the benefits?

  • 81% of customers research products online before making a purchase.
  • 35% of searches for a product have their starting point on Google.
  • The average time between first searching for the product on Google and actually buying it is five days or less.
  • Physical locations also benefit from rankings. According to data, 73% of people who have performed a local search will visit a store. within 8k of their location.

How do the seller rankings in Google affect your advertising campaigns?

According to Google itself, a positive review can increase the click-through rate (CTR) on your text ads by up to 17%. But that's just the beginning. In addition to more clicks, positive ratings also help improve your quality rating, lower your cost per click (CPC), and improve the quality of leads that visit your site.

Just like ratings on your website and product pages, enabling Google Seller Ratings is a quick and efficient way to instantly bring social proof to your campaigns. In addition, ratings prove to be the most reliable referral source for e-commerce businesses.



In this article you will get tips and the requirements on how to set up Google Seller Ratings for your online store.

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